Do a somersault.
Help your sister do a somersault
These kids are so funny! I love Tyson at three. He cracks me up all day long. Such a funny perspective of life. He says the funniest things and is so much fun to talk to. Like yesterday, we drove by the Bison's baseball stadium and Tyson was sure it was BYU. He has a train that he used to call the ghost train. He now calls it the Holy Ghost train. He's all about being big and fast. He loves games. His favorite right now is red light, green light and playing pretend. His favorite color is green and he loves the number 3. Such a funny boy and good boy. I wish I could pause time and keep him like this forever.
Lexi is almost 18 months old. She says ball, uh-oh, mama, dada, tyson, dog, teeth, and shoes. She LOVES books, necklaces, and shoes. She has lots of opinions and will scream at you if she doesn't get her way. She is soooo cute and gets compliments and stares everywhere we go. She loves ring around the rosie, the snowman song, duck, duck, goose, and bigger kids. She is definitely a momma's girl and freaks out if she can't see me. I'm hoping this stage will go away soon because she needs to go to nursery at church.
I love these two kids so much and love being their mommy. They bring me so much joy every day.