Friday, August 24, 2018

march 2018

BYU's Museum of Art with Grandpa Gardner

Grandpa's wrestling banquet
Somebody got in to something they shouldn't have

Dr. Jordyn

It's warming up a little!!!

Ninja warrior gym for Thayne's birthday. The kids LOVED it!

Lexi tried the warp wall over and over and over. She seriously went up that thing 100's of times trying to get over. 

Thayne had a blast too until he got injured. :(

Tyson finished his Bear and all the elective requirements. He's the first boy to ever do this in his den. He is now shooting for all the Webelos requirements and electives

A friend had an epic 80's prom for her 40th birthday party. Everybody dressed up and it was a blast in the past! They even had a huge stretch limo out in the parking lot.

Birthday girl/prom queen
our 80's attire

Daniel and Whitney's Easter partay!

I took the kids to a robotics competition one day when they had no school. It was pretty cool. It felt a little like something from the Baymax movie. Tyson could have stayed there all day but the little girls were done pretty quickly.

We love time with Aunt Joy
We painted both kid's rooms. They helped pick paint colors. Both rooms look great!
Tyson had some friends over to play Risk one day. These boys were so funny.
Escape Room with Thayne's staff.
Another Daybreak scavenger hunt. This time we were looking for St. Patty's hats.

Kids cleaning dad's office. They go up on Friday afternoons and help out. 
Jordyn does not like noise. 

I loved this moment when she fell asleep. She doesn't do that anymore.
Regional History Fair Day. We hung out all day at a college campus with Tyson's other classmates. Tyson said best day ever!
Random unicorn head at Wal-mart.
Kenzie set up a bed for Jordyn and her doll on the coffee table. Kenzie does such a good job playing with Jordyn.
Easter Egg hunt and Kenzie's school. 
Lexi had to write something about a grandparent. She chose Grandpa Van Tassell and then had to present it during a performance. She did a great job!
She's so cool!

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