Monday, September 27, 2021

February 2021

Kenzie turned 8!

Kenzie's birthday meal: dinosaur chicken nuggets, ramen noodles, totino's pizza and chocolate milk. Easy to please this year. 
Lauren also had a birthday. The girls helped me make her cake.

Lauren and Kenzie were baptized! So fun to have a friend get baptized with Kenzie. This picture is with the sisters that taught Lauren.

Because of covid, numbers were few at the baptism but ward members were outside waiting to congratulate the newest members of the ward.
Kenzie making a sculpture of some sort.
Young men's group decorating cookies and delivering them. 

Lauren had surgery from her accident in January. I got to go hang out with her during it. Grandma got the short end of the deal of having to babysit.

We've also been getting some snow and have had some fun playing in it!

He's pretty sure all stickers go on your face.

A good Samaritan dropped off a huge jar of nickels with a note to pass it on. The kids had lots of fun counting them. We still have to figure out who to pass them on to.
Breakfast came out with a heart.
Lexi making cake pops.
I went to Nashville, Tennessee with 2 girls from dental school. We had so much fun playing, eating, talking, and just catching up. The hotel we stayed at had water park and it felt so great to be in the heat. We went to an underground dinner. They had a magic show and really good food. The atmosphere was super fun.

One of the girls sent this to me when we got home. The memories from Buffalo are so fun!

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