Thursday, September 30, 2021

May 2021

The highlight of May was Aunt Kacey turning 40. We met Adam and Kacey in Florida and did Universal Studios and Sea World. It was a lot of fun. We had to wear our masks at all times and it was a bit humid but I'm grateful the parks were still open. I thought I was going to throw up at one point. Kacey loves all the scary rides that make me scared and nauseous. She is showing her age though and she threw up after a ride.

I'm giving a thumbs up in this picture but the food was actually pretty gross.
We went to Thanksgiving Point flower gardens with family. The wind was blowing a ton and then it started raining. It cut our trip short.

TJ's 18 month stats: 22 lbs. (21%), 31.5 in. (20%) and head circumference was 18.75 in. (58%)
Thayne pierced Kenzie's ears back in February. When his cousin Jessica hear that, she asked him to do her daughters. The joke is that he can offer dentistry and pierced ears now.

Tyson got vaccinated!

We gave Lauren a day off from her boys for Mother's day. A friend took Gary in the morning and we took Nolan. Then the YW helped out and the friend and I went hiking and to the hot springs with Lauren.

The kid's business is booming. They have a logo, a motto, and a business plan. They are booked out for almost 2 months. They are so busy it's burning them out a bit but they are good little workers and it's so good for them.

We went to the ladybug festival. The kids each got to release a butterfly. We bought some ladybugs to eat the aphids on the roses. The kids like helping set them free.

Baking with mom is so fun!
Jojo graduated from preschool.

The iron cowboy was making history once again. 100 Ironmans in 100 days. We decided to join him on one of the days. I think it was day 90? It was so fun to go be a part of it. There were a ton of other people that joined on the day we did.

I requested a massage for mother's day. The kids were using their heads to massage. 
The Drapers came for a visit. They are moving to Draper (haha) and we are so excited to have them closer!
Our yard in the spring is my favorite.

These cute boys 💗

Thayne took the YM to Goblin Valley for a night. I think they had fun but were exhausted. From what I hear, there were a lot of near death experiences and that just excites boys that age.

This little missy turned 5! 

Visiting my grandparent's gravestone on Memorial Day

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