Thursday, April 2, 2015

snow and sunshine

We got some amazing snow one day. You could make a snowman in minutes. The snow would pack together so easily and just leave the grass underneath. I don't remember snow like this ever.

Home Depot Saturday crafting

This was a beautiful winter day back in January or February. Thayne and I ran a 5 miler in a t-shirt. Makes me happy!

PLEASE brush my teeth Dadda!

Tyson trying on a mask from a birthday party
The kids love to sit in bed looking at books. I love seeing all three of them lined up reading. Makes my heart happy.
Lexi has gotten really good at playing with Kenzie. I frequently hear giggling and screaming from these two.
Tyson started wrestling. He was so excited until he had his first match and we didn't prep him very well. He is not aggresive and would usually end up on bottom with tears rolling down his cheeks. Broke my heart. He hasn't won much but he's done better. This may be it for him and wrestling. 

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