Wednesday, September 7, 2022

November 2021

The Namgur puppies got bigger. Jojo didn't want to hold them this time. They kept trying to nibble on her. 

We had a little mishap on vacation and bumped the van. Not a fun experience.

Lots more running

We did a paint night for activity days and painted pictures of Jesus.

$2 Tuesdays at the aquarium are fun and busy.

Lexi still loves sharks

He knows he's cute.

Kasey came down to a who dunnit night at the library. Adam was out of town but I'm glad Kasey could join us.

We hiked the Y with the 3 oldest. 

Yearly eye exams for Jojo and Kenz

Here's what their eye looks like up close.

Tyson entertained TJ after helping to clean up the church.

Cousin It occasionally comes to visit

He wants to help....

It's a car. It's a plane.... It's ??? Driving down the road and we're passed up by this. 

Tyson had a YM activity where they had to find dinner at wal-mart for under $5. The kids had a lot of fun. Tyson came home with a couple pot pies, a pizza, rootbeer, ramen, and a burrito. We tried it again with the family and told the kids they only had $2. 


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